
How I Learned to Love async/await

The asynchonous nature of JavaScript can be a painful thing to learn. Historically, you would use callbacks to tell a function what to do after it's done it's thing. This can quickly lead to a Callback Christmas Tree of Doom/Callback Hell. Nobody likes Milhouse those.

Promises are awesome (sometimes)

Then came Promises. Perfect, right? Not always. You can still end up with somewhat unpleasant nesting or chaining of thens.

The next issue is how you get the return value out of the Promise scope.

let retVal

fetch().then((retVal) => {
    myVal = retVal

This is painful to me. In any complex JavaScript code, let is generally considered a smell and can lead to misunderstandings by other devs.

The New Way™️

So async/await is our best pal, but you don't get everthing for free. In most documentation you'll see error handling done something like this:

try {
    const retVal = await fetch()
} catch (error) {

How is this better?! You still potentially end up having to let your return value out of the try/catch scope.Thank u. Next.

A much nicer way

Do all your awaits inside one function. As long as all your promises are awaited, any errors will bubble up to where you called it from.

async function doTheThings(message: Message): Promise<void> {
    const data = await fetch().then((req) => req.json())
    await validate(data)
    await message.send(data)

// elsewhere

If something doesn't break the rest of the function, you can catch the error still:

async function doTheThings(message: Message): Promise<void> {
    const {data, error} = await fetch()
        .then(req => req.json())
        .then(data => ({data}))
        .catch(error => ({error}))

    if (error) {
        console.error('Something minor happened:", error.message)

    // ...continue

I use this pattern on a Discord bot. All "commands" must return a promise, and any fatal errors are handled in the parent calling function. Very satisfying to work with.